Financial Projection Graph

Tammy Fonk and John Ace Underwood, Co-Founders of

Investing in mobile home communities (MHCs) presents a promising opportunity for substantial returns. However, a critical element often overlooked by investors is the effective sale of homes within the community. This oversight, particularly during due diligence or the initial year of analysis, can lead to missed opportunities and suboptimal performance. Understanding and incorporating infill calculations during the acquisition phase is essential for maximizing growth and ensuring a sound investment strategy.

The Overlooked Home Sales Process

Effective home sales in MHCs encompass the acquisition, renovation, and sale of manufactured homes within the community. This process is vital for infilling, which involves filling vacant lots with homes to increase occupancy and rental income. Regrettably, many investors treat this aspect as an afterthought, focusing primarily on immediate returns and operational efficiencies.

Reasons the Home Sales Process is Often Overlooked

1.  Emphasis on Immediate Returns:
Investors frequently prioritize immediate cash flow and short-term returns over long-term growth strategies, leading to the undervaluation or neglect of the potential benefits from home sales.

2.  Lack of Expertise
Many investors lack the requisite experience or knowledge to manage home sales within MHCs. This deficiency can result in the oversight of its importance, with attention diverted to seemingly easier gains.

3.  Operational Complexity:
The process of selling homes and leasing spaces involves multiple steps—acquisition, renovation, marketing, sales, and financing—many of which are unfamiliar to investors. This complexity can deter investors from fully considering this critical aspect of MHC investing.

The Importance and Benefits of Incorporating Infill Calculations

Infill calculations, which estimate potential revenue from filling vacant lots with new or renovated homes, should be a fundamental component of the acquisition phase. These calculations directly influence the community’s financial performance and overall value.

1.  Enhanced Cash Flow:
Filling vacant lots increases rental income, thereby enhancing the community’s cash flow and significantly boosting the overall profitability of the investment.

2.  Improved Community Value:
A fully occupied community is more attractive to residents and potential buyers. Higher occupancy rates enhance property values and secure more favorable financing terms, whereas empty lots and vacant houses have the opposite effect.

3.  Strategic Growth:
Infill calculations enable investors to plan for strategic growth. By understanding the potential for home sales, investors can make informed decisions regarding property improvements, marketing efforts, and pricing strategies.

Integrating the Home Sales Process into Your Investment Strategy

To avoid the common pitfall of overlooking home sales, investors should integrate this aspect into their overall investment strategy from the outset. Here’s how to do it effectively:

1.  Due Diligence:
During due diligence, conduct a comprehensive analysis of the community’s vacant lots, the condition of existing homes, and the local market demand for mobile homes. This analysis will provide a clear understanding of the potential for infill and home sales.

2.  Hire Experts:
Engage professionals in both the due diligence process and the implementation of an effective marketing and sales system. The substantial gains achievable through home sales within the community far outweigh associated costs and will persist long after the initial efforts.

3.  Financial Projections:
Incorporate infill calculations in your financial projections. Estimate the costs associated with purchasing and renovating homes, as well as the potential revenue from sales and increased occupancy. This approach provides a realistic view of the investment’s long-term profitability.

4.  Develop a Sales Strategy:
Formulate a detailed sales strategy that outlines the steps for acquiring, renovating, and selling homes. This strategy should include marketing plans and appropriate inventory selection.

5.  Monitor and Adjust:
Regularly monitor the progress of your home sales efforts and the activities influencing desired results. Adjust your strategy as necessary. Track sales activities, sales performance, occupancy rates, and market trends to ensure you are maximizing the potential of your investment.


Neglecting the home sales process during due diligence and initial analysis can prove costly for MHC investors. You can unlock significant growth and maximize returns by recognizing the importance of infill calculations and integrating a robust home sales strategy into your investment plan. Understanding and implementing these crucial steps will set you on the path to success in the mobile home community market.

If your current acquisition strategy does not incorporate sales performance and you seek further information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at

Invest wisely, plan strategically, and maximize your returns.

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