This program has been specifically developed to help MH Community managers and salespeople meet the challenges of selling both new and used homes manufactured housing communities.
Our sales approach is an ethically centered, non-manipulative approach to selling which is built on fundamental principles of human behavior and irrefutable logic.
For the past 35 years, Mr. Underwood has been a consultant, speaker, and trainer in the manufactured housing industry working with retailers, communities, and manufacturers specifically in the areas of marketing, sales, sales management, and leadership development.
Mr. Underwood encourages interaction and questions from participants and his easy-going approach combined with a simple sales process allows all participants to gain the confidence to help more prospects into a new home.
Born and raised in the manufactured housing industry with two family-owned communities established in 1948, along with a dealership in Wisconsin for manufactured and modular homes, Ms. Fonk brings with her the necessary experience and selling systems that are supported by many years of success.
Her hands-on experience gives Ms. Fonk the necessary credibility to make an immediate impact with your teams sales approach.
Selling isn’t difficult, you just have to know what to do. In this introductory session, Underwood provides an overview of the Strategic Sales Process®, an approach to selling which is based on irrefutable logic and one that your people can believe will work and produce results.
Prospective buyers express interest using 3 different channels. Technology has had a huge impact on the way people think, shop, and buy. In this session, Underwood discusses each of the three common types of leads, their significance, and the role they play in effectively promoting your homes or your community.
Prospective buyers are 10 x more likely to visit after a conversation. Most of the leads generated by having an internet presence are individuals expressing their interest in our homes or our communities and providing contact information. Underwood discusses the importance of and provides a highly productive method for turning that lead into a conversation.
You can’t sell a home or lease a space over the phone. It’s all but impossible to build value in your product without having your prospective buyer/resident in your office. Therefore, knowing how to convert a conversation into an onsite visit while you have the prospect on the phone is critical. Underwood provides time proven methods for increasing the number of appointments, thereby increasing the number of homes you sell.
Prospects don’t always buy on their first visit. By far the biggest reason CRM Systems aren’t being fully utilized is because sales professionals don’t know how to rate their prospects and manage leads. Underwood discusses in detail how to keep focused on the highest probability targets at all times.
People will always prefer to buy from people they like. Whether via email, text, phone, or in person, rapport is an integral element of the sales process and knowing how to establish that rapport from the beginning, is critical. Underwood reveals a highly effective and efficient method for not only establishing rapport, but how to retain rapport throughout the entire buying experience.
Selling is a leadership issue and if salespeople can’t lead, customers can’t follow. People don’t like being kept in the dark, especially when I come to making major financial decisions. Underwood puts the salesperson into a leadership role by revealing a method for providing the potential buyer an overview of the process by which we’ve helped many others find just the right home.
People buy based on their want s and needs. To help a prospect find what they’re looking for, we need to first determine their wants, needs, and what’s going to be important to them in their new home and community. Being able to facilitate an effective interview, one that provides the information we need without making our buyer feel like they’re being interrogated has a monumental impact on our sales results.
Ability is ability is ability… Most prospective home buyers are limited, to some capacity, as to what they can buy. Their ability, or what they qualify to buy is the one attribute the sales professional can do very little about. Underwood unpacks a precise method for determining what the clients’ limitations are without violating any aspects of Federal and State regulations.
Buyers buy when they have a reason to buy. Lackluster and boring sales presentations, all too often filled with mundane information, rarely garner the results anyone is after. In this session Underwood discusses how to make your presentation effective and compelling and yet, at the same time, shorter and therefore more efficient and productive.
A buyer will never hand you a check in the parking lot. Getting the buyer back to the office at the end of a presentation and knowing what to do upon doing so has a significant impact on overall results. Underwood reveals a stress-free process for getting the customer back to the office free of any “closing” anxiety and how to create an atmosphere in which people feel comfortable making a commitment.
Nothing happens until somebody buys something. Everything a sales professional does is in pursuit of getting a commitment. So many individuals lack the confidence to ask their customer for a commitment, yet most customers fully expect to be asked, and often fail to buy simply because they were never asked. Underwood teaches a methos by which more commitments are made without ever actually having to ask the customer to buy.
Buying a home is a process, not an event. Underwood reveals a process by which anyone having the responsibility to sell homes or fill spaces will never let a good prospect fall through the cracks and will have a sales calendar filled only with good quality prospects. This particular session is one that Underwood feels may well be the most productive session and will lead to more sales if implemented.
The level of follow-up is the number one reason buyers chose one supplier of goods and services over all others, according to a survey done by J.D Powers and Assoc. Effective follow-up strategies can be the difference between an average year and a fantastic year. Underwood discusses how to efficiently and effective follow-up with prospective buyers in a way that maximizes results.
Selling isn’t difficult, you just have to know what to do. In this final session, Underwood reviews the highlights of this process, underscores its simplicity, and allows attendees to share experiences where what they’ve learned has made the difference between getting a commitment or not, as well as other success stories.
Underwood also answers questions that may have remained unasked during previous sessions.
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(Please indicate which group you wish to attend when registering)
All 15 Training Session for Group 4 are held LIVE every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. EST, beginning September 3, 2024, and ending on December 17, 2024.
* (Group 4 is limited to 20 participants)
(Please indicate which group you wish to attend when registering)
All 15 Training Session for Group 5 are held LIVE every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. EST, beginning September 19, 2024, and ending on December 19, 2024.
* (Group 5 is limited to 20 participants)
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