Why FillrateMHC matters...

The hardest business to measure is the business you lose. The buyers you lose rarely call back to tell you how, when, where, and who dropped the ball. The only way you can prevent losing the buyers you could, and therefore should have closed, is by implementing systems that control the buying process and the customer experience.


What we bring to you

Comprehensive Management Training

Most Community Managers are not hardwired to sell, but to manage. Many Community Managers are given the responsibility for filling spaces in the community, even though they have little to no training. Our system levels up the necessary skill set so that any Community Managers can be effective at filling vacant sites with minimal intrusion into their daily routine.



Comprehensive Sales Training

Even in communities that employ full or part time sales professionals, many of these individuals lack the skills necessary to meet desired fill rate expectations. Using both one-on-one coaching as well as online training videos, accessible 24/7, our selling system stands alone on the cutting edge of sales performance. Our sales approach is non-manipulative, based on irrefutable logic, and we will work with your staff until the program is fully implemented, fully understood, and productive.


Property Marketability Assessment

This is to assess a property as to its marketability, meaning, is the property conducive to maximizing sales. We identify reasons why people would NOT buy. Whether a potential acquisition in due diligence, or a property simply wanting to maximize performance, seeing a community through the eyes of a prospective buyer/resident and managing the customer experience at all touchpoints is critical to continuing to improve your fill rate.


Recruiting and Hiring

Quoting Jim Collins from his book Good to Great, “it is critical the get the wrong people off the bus, the right people on the bus, and the right people in the right seats.” Whether you’re filling a vacancy, looking to promote from within, or simply wanting to develop a stronger bench, using our experience combined with selective proprietary assessment instruments, we will ensure you fill the right seats with the right people.


Sales Process Viability Assessment

Whether considering acquisition or simply ensuring the effectiveness of your current sales team, knowing that the most effective and efficient sales process is in place is critical to maximizing your fill rate. We will do an A-Z assessment of your sales process, including interviewing the current staff, as well as the transaction workflow.


Strategic Inventory Management

In order to maximize your fill rate, it is absolutely critical to have the right inventory, with the right amenities / options at the right price points to reflect your market, and for that inventory to be displayed effectively. We will help you achieve getting your inventory balanced and merchandised in a manner that increases your fill rate.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Lead management is absolutely critical to the success of any community that either still needs to fill vacant sites or convert renters to homeowners. Without CRM technology that is user friendly and effective, the critical task of lead management becomes a nearly impossible task. With the ability to interphase with our Inventory Management module and management software such as Rent Manager, our CRM system stands alone at the leading edge of prospect management technology.



If your website isn’t generating more leads than your sales team can handle, your website is all but ineffective. Our website development team will ensure that your website is marketed in a manner that generates the leads your community or communities need to significantly increase your fill rate. You can’t sell them if you can’t talk to them. If you need assistance with launching or maintaining a social media campaign, we stand ready to assist you in any way we can.


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